
We believe that each individual is unique and deserves a fitness approach that compliments their lifestyle.

Our certified and highly experienced trainers and therapists offer the best training, services and equipment. During your free fitness assessment, we’ll listen, check out your movement & mobility, and set you up with the best programs to help you excel.

From personal or group training, athletic therapy and exercise rehab, as well as nutrition coaching - we’ll get you exactly where you want to be. Our services are designed to improve your overall health and wellness.

LF By the numbers

2 Assault Runners - 3 Sleds - 6 Climbing Ropes - 8 C2 Ski Ergs - 10 Assault Bikes - 10 C2 Bikes - 10 C2 Rowers - 11 Benches - 12 Sets of Rings - 12 Squat Racks - 15 Rogue Sandbags - 21 Plyo Boxes - 28 Wallballs - 30 Pull-up Bars - 33 Barbells - 38 Slamballs - 90 Kettlebells - 120 Dumbbells - 1560lbs of Plates - New 4300Sqft Facility!!!

Living Fits Favourite Functional Fifty-Five

Assault Bike - Bench Press - Burpees - Box Jumps - Bent-over Rows - Box Hurdles - C2 Bike - Cleans - Deadlifts - Dips - Devils Press - Farmers Carry - Front Rack Carry - Handstand Pushups - Hip Thrusts - Handstand Walks - Hollow Rocks - Handstand Holds - Jerks - Lunges - Muscle Ups - Mountain Climbers - Overhead Carry - Pullovers - Planks - Pushups -Pushpress - Pullups - Pegboard Work - Running - Rowing - Ring Rows - Rope Climbs - Renegade Rows - Russian Twists - Side Planks - Skiing - Skipping - Snatches - Swings - Stepups - Squats - Strict Press - Situps - Sled Push - Slams - Sled Drag - Sandbag Carry - Split Squats - Thrusters - Turkish Get Ups - Toes to Bars - Wallball Shots - Wallwalks


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